I want to be up front and state this is not a paid ad. I found this product on instagram last year, looked into it, and paid for it myself. I decided to write a post about it on my own accord, as I think it is a lovely product. This is the Adventures with Archer journal. Archer is a… Read More
Archives for June 2019
whelp, we got a puppy
Introducing Miss Molly May Stewart! If you don’t want see a whole bunch of pictures of this puppy, this is not the blog post for you! I think, in its own way, this blog post can still be educational. Read on to learn when NOT to get a puppy (based on expert experience) (me, the expert is me): when you… Read More
why i celebrate my kid’s salvation birthdays
We probably all have those friends we grew up with who considered themselves to be a Christian in childhood yet have not chosen a lifestyle of obedience and surrender to Christ in their adult years. Honestly, because of all the people I have encountered who have this as their story, (and honestly i was one of them for a time)… Read More
What i do for schoolwork over the summer
Many people wonder how much schoolwork, if any, their child should be doing throughout the summer months. This seems to be a question that homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers all wonder. I dont know that there is a right or wrong answer to this question but I will share with you what I plan to do for schoolwork over the summer. first… Read More
Creating Community wherever you are
We have moved so many times. It is not necessarily what I would have wanted or chosen; I would love to put down roots. But what moving a lot has taught us is the importance of community and our role in making it happen! Here are my tips from someone who has done it lots on how to create community… Read More
tips for helping your kids memorize scripture
Most of us know the importance of hiding God’s word in our hearts. We have heard that so many times, how could we forget! Yet I find so many forget their role in helping their children with this task. Did you know that young children have the capacity to memorize scripture as well? In fact, kid’s memories are often better… Read More