I get asked often if I have a place where people can view available curriculum and up until now I did not. This will be just a list of available curriculum with a link to their sites. I am not going into detail on each curriculum. Some of the curriculum packages I offer involve me selecting two choices per subject… Read More
How To Use Books To Teach History and Social Studies
So I’ve had this post planned for quite some time now but do you know what keeps me from blogging more? It is my lack of creativity. I can’t come up with catchy titles and I don’t have the skill of taking pretty photos so I let that deter me from writing. I have the knowledge and content in my… Read More
What To Do When It Starts Falling Apart
It happens to us all. Things go bad. Maybe you wake up earlier than you wanted to the sound of whiny or grumpy kids. Maybe you miss your alarm. Maybe you spill your morning coffee. Maybe school starts off ok but everyone ends up frustrated and in tears. Maybe the kids cannot focus on the learning activities you are trying… Read More
Strange Times Out There
What weird times we are living in these days aren’t they friends. I’ve started and stopped so many blog posts and instagram posts over the last few weeks because I am just not sure how to be helpful. As I mentioned in my newsletter, if you subscribe to that, I don’t want to add to the noise of all the… Read More
What We Read In 2019
I’m bbbaaaccckkk!! I hope I am back more regularly but, of course, the actual schooling of the children must be the priority! We have had so many (too many) breaks lately. Incase you don’t follow me on social media, we were away for about 3 weeks in November on an epic road trip to California and Disneyland. It was literally… Read More
Twig and Daisy Felt Map of Canada
Some of you saw on my instagram last week the felt map of Canada that I had set out for my girls to play with. That amazing and beautiful creation was made by a lady on the east coast of Canada who runs a sweet little shop called Twig and Daisy. You must go check out her instagram account and… Read More
What We Are Doing Differently This Year
If you know me, you know that I am a big advocate for finding what works for you in homeschool. I frequently say that the beauty of homeschool is that no two families have to do it the same way. I do think it is our responsibility as our child’s educators to make sure they have the basic skills required… Read More
Routine over Schedule
I think a common myth for homeschooling is that you need to have your day scheduled out such as a public school classroom would do. No one loves a good schedule as much as I do, but I also like to complete a task and get I frazzled when I feel too rushed. Due to this, trying to do math… Read More
The First Few Weeks of Homeschool
Regardless of if you are a new or seasoned homeschooler, the first few weeks of a new homeschool year can be unpredictable. Perhaps you are adding new students or curriculum, but even if you aren’t, your kids are getting older so you are teaching a grade you haven’t taught before! This can cause homeschooling parents to become discouraged and frustrated… Read More
tips for starting your first year of homeschool
It’s August and time is dwindling before the start of school is upon us, maybe for some of you it already is! Most homeschooling moms are in the throws of finalizing curriculum and resources for the school year right now (if you haven’t already). If you are a first time homeschooling mom, I want to give you some tips on… Read More