DISCLAIMER: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

This came along at the perfect time! Hailey has had lots of questions lately on how to know for certain that the Bible is true. She has been wondering what kind of proofs there are out there and I had been researching and studying things to show and tell her about. Enter, Drive Thru History Adventures! When this course, Bible Unearthed, was presented to me to review, I knew right away I wanted to do it! Even though the material is technically designed for age 10+, the creators were happy to have some younger students use it and share our experience.
This program is online. There is a video series with each lesson having print materials and questions included. Seeing as how my children are 8 and 6, we watched the video series as a family and used the questions. We didn’t read through the print materials unless I needed to skim it on my own to find words to explain the video better. Even with the questions, I would skim the questions and choose the ones that I thought they could answer. While watching the video, we would pause when they had questions or when we wanted to explain things further (or in younger kid verbiage).

This could possibly be quite above understanding of your children who are under 10, especially if they don’t have a ton of base knowledge on the Bible. The men present things in an interesting way, but their intent was never to present to young children. They move through material quickly and seem to operate on the understanding that the listener has foundational Biblical knowledge. Because we spent the better first part of the year studying Genesis and Exodus with our girls, they did pretty well keeping up. We still did need to pause and explain further when we felt like more detail was needed for them.

The Drive Thru History crew present such a neat and clear explanation of archeology: what it is, how it is done and why it is important. This would be an awesome course for older kids or even adults to do. It is extremely educational and informative. I love that they go through so many of the different archeological proofs that have been found for the Bible. As a 38 year old woman, I learned so much! Even if the girls aren’t remembering small details and exact facts, they are laying groundwork for the knowledge that there is proof the Bible is true.
Here is the thing; let’s not underestimate our kids. Let’s not feed our kids the bread of children’s Bible stories until they’re adults. That produces kids who know all the main stories of the Bible really well but have no ability to defend their faith or even explain why they believe. Too many kids these days grow up in Christian homes but never make the faith their own and never understand why they hold the beliefs they were raised with. Let’s start to feed our kids more than bread. Let’s move on to more substantial things and trust that God’s word does not return void. Trust God to do a work in their hearts and to give them wisdom and understanding that’s appropriate to their age and ability. And if they don’t understand it , so be it. But let’s take the time to give them a deeper knowledge and understanding. Let’s teach them how we know the Bible to be true and how we see God’s hand throughout. Don’t let them grow up thinking it’s just a compilation of cool stories; show them how all those stories join together to show God’s perfect plan and His hand in all of history. There are many ways to do this but this course with Drive Thru History Adventures is a great piece!
Make sure to check out the Review Crew blog for more reviews on Bible Unearthed.
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