There are so many thoughts in my head at any given time and so many things I want to share. I thought having a random brain dump here on my blog on Friday’s may be a fun way to “unleash” some of my thoughts and also give you all a way to get to know me more! These will be… Read More
How Homeschool Productivity Looks Different through The Seasons
Just like with most things, homeschooling can ebb and flow and change with the seasons. I find we get way more “extras” like art and experiments, etc done in the wintertime. Those types of activities are typically ones that I will do for “afternoon school” over hot drinks and snacks. But during fall / spring we are enjoying the outdoors… Read More
Let’s Talk About Tech
I am guessing if you are reading this, you grew up in a pre -cell phone era. You remember Encyclopedia Britanica, phones with cords, pay phones, and going to a neighbours house to see if they could play. You remember signing books out from the library to write a report. Not so for our kids. They are growing up in… Read More
The Power Our Words Hold
As moms, do we realize the power that our words hold? Do we guard our tongues and what comes out of them, recognizing the power of them? Are we contributing to this mommy whining culture that acts so hard done by having to parent their children? Are we singling out the worst traits of our kids and speaking that to… Read More
Our Experience With a Sleep Consultant
Sleep is important. We can all agree on that right? We feel better when we get enough sleep. From the beginning days of being a parent, sleep is something you think about, worry about, dream about. How can I get my child to fall asleep? Stay asleep? Let me sleep? Is my child getting enough sleep? The questions are endless…. Read More
Your One Stop Spot For Curriculum Choices
I get asked often if I have a place where people can view available curriculum and up until now I did not. This will be just a list of available curriculum with a link to their sites. I am not going into detail on each curriculum. Some of the curriculum packages I offer involve me selecting two choices per subject… Read More
What To Do When It Starts Falling Apart
It happens to us all. Things go bad. Maybe you wake up earlier than you wanted to the sound of whiny or grumpy kids. Maybe you miss your alarm. Maybe you spill your morning coffee. Maybe school starts off ok but everyone ends up frustrated and in tears. Maybe the kids cannot focus on the learning activities you are trying… Read More
Strange Times Out There
What weird times we are living in these days aren’t they friends. I’ve started and stopped so many blog posts and instagram posts over the last few weeks because I am just not sure how to be helpful. As I mentioned in my newsletter, if you subscribe to that, I don’t want to add to the noise of all the… Read More
Let’s Talk Kids and Chores
Let’s just preface this by saying I am in no way an expert on this topic and I know there are many people who do this better than me; I am just hoping to help some of you get started on having your kids help out around the house. This is something I am asked often to elaborate on so… Read More
Tips For Travelling on a Budget
I love to travel. I have always loved to travel. Some of my fondest memories from childhood involve our family vacations. I also enjoyed all my travels throughout my university years and early teaching years in the north. It’s been important to me to continue to travel with our little family, even in the years when funds have been tight…. Read More